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The Gifts on our Flatscreens

Joy to the world.

Love this time of year.

And, I love how our advertising industry adds a little more joy to everyone's holiday season.

With stories - masterfully told, and with a meaning.

Yes, I know, the commercials we all see are about, first of all, selling things.

But, some of the more top-shelf holiday spots are more meaningful - conveying a real understanding of what this time of year means - to all of us.

Skillfully told and well produced - they speak to our hearts - at least to mine.

My favorite this year?

The Microsoft television spot.


I can watch this ad over and over. Seeing the really hip, cool kids getting pumped up about an accomplishment of one who is less fortunate, and then, sharing with true excitement his accomplishment together as a group of friends - brilliant.

Microsoft gives to us this holiday season a highly relevant message about inclusion - "When everybody plays, we all win". This is a message that we all need to hear these days. Great stuff.

I have to admit - I do miss something around the end of the year that I formerly anticipated around the holidays. We used to have companies that we could count to deliver their latest edition of their holiday story and message.


Budweiser used to do it with their festive Clydesdales galloping through the snow.

Coca-Cola had their lovable polar bears.

And, Folger's had their annual version of the son coming home to surprise the unsuspecting Mom on Christmas morning -- always a tear jerker.

But alas, these annual corporate 'Christmas cards' which were graciously provided by some of our nation's leading companies are not in vogue any more. I guess these heartwarming, holiday 'presents' are hard to justify in our data driven, direct results, short-term ROI world of today.

But, personally, I think these leading organizations, are missing a little bit of what leadership means and the value of these foregone holiday traditional messages. These type of heartfelt spots connected them emotionally with customers - not to mention, that these special intrinsic messages adds value to their company, and their brand. Tough for a tweet, or a post to do that.

One organization that does not overlook this opportunity is the British department store chain John Lewis & Partners. Yes, unfortunately, for us Americans, John Lewis and their annual gift is delivered annually across the pond. But for Englanders - they get a really special holiday offering from John Lewis every year.

And Britons count on seeing these spots. The John Lewis holiday spots are now legendary. So much so, that they are now part of their the Brit's annual holiday traditions.

And, each year, John Lewis takes the time to deliver to the country a truly exquisite video story.

This year is absolutely no exception. Take a look at this.

I wish more leading companies in our country gave us presents like this.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.

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